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  • Cuff Not Cup

    Cuff Not Cup

    Ahhh, baseball season: the smack of the bat, the infield dirt swirling in the air as the center fielder tries to throw out a man at the plate, the hot dogs, the peanuts, the umpire yelling, “Play Ball,” and that ole’ rotary cup acting up trying to keep pace

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  • Pharma Facts

    Pharma Facts

    These blog posts have attempted to bridge the gap between our patients and our providers by answering the most commonly asked questions we hear on a daily basis. As I find myself working in our Nursing Triage department

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  • Ice, Ice, Baby

    Ice, Ice, Baby

    Oh, Mother Nature. How she graces us with her presence. Amongst the dazzling icicles and picture-perfect snow are large sheets of the most slippery ice I have ever experienced that is wreaking havoc on the young

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  • You Are What You Eat

    You Are What You Eat

    Inflammation in the body can wreak havoc on someone trying to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Sometimes, inflammation is nothing we can prevent, such as immediately after a traumatic injury.

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  • Orthopedic Resolutions

    Orthopedic Resolutions

    As the winter blues falls over the great state of Wisconsin, people are almost three weeks into whatever they resolved for the new year. So often these resolutions are in the realm of health and fitness, which can directly impact one’s orthopedic health.

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  • Snap, Crackle, And Pop

    Snap, Crackle, And Pop

    One of the most common complaints we hear in the world of orthopedics is regarding the symphony of noises our bones, muscles, and connective tissues make. Sometimes these noises happen without any associated pain.

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  • Hardware Used In Surgery

    Hardware Used In Surgery

    If you were a fly on the wall of an orthopedic office, you may hear acronyms tossed around like alphabet soup with no idea as to what any of it means. In the realm of fractures, one of the most common acronyms is an ORIF or an Open Reduction Internal Fixation procedure.

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  • Deck The Orthopedic Halls

    Deck The Orthopedic Halls

    Decorations are hung, deductibles are met, and the staff here at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin is working tirelessly this time of the year to be available for all of your orthopedic needs!

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  • Shoulder Joint Replacement Spotlight

    Shoulder Joint Replacement Spotlight

    In the world of joint replacement surgery, the shoulder often flies under the radar. Hips and knees steal the spotlight, but the advancements made in the realm of shoulder replacement render it an excellent surgical intervention for shoulder pathologies.

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  • Durable Products For Your Recovery

    Durable Products For Your Recovery

    Throughout the last several months, these blog posts have wound their way through our lovely, state-of-the-art clinic here in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.

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