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  • Olecranon Bursitis

    Olecranon Bursitis

    In our previous blog, we discussed trochanteric bursitis in the region of the hip. However, bursitis also occurs regularly in the region of the elbow. This is called olecranon bursitis as it is the olecranon bursa that becomes inflamed.

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  • Trochanteric Bursitis

    Trochanteric Bursitis

    If you have been an avid reader of the OAW Blog, you may remember reading about strategies to distinguish between pain originating from your hip versus pain stemming from your low back.

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  • Sacroiliac Joint

    Sacroiliac Joint

    Pain of or relating to the spine comes in many forms and is often generalized to either low back, mid back, or neck pain. The sacroiliac (SI) joints are often the cause of lower back and

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  • The Appendix of the Shoulder

    The Appendix of the Shoulder

    Lots of people have had their appendix removed. Others have had their gallbladder, tonsils, or wisdom teeth surgically removed due to issues that arise from their continued presence.

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  • The Acromion Anomaly

    The Acromion Anomaly

    The shoulder is a complex joint that is capable of a wide variety of functions due to the
    ball-and-socket nature of its make-up. The devil is in the details when it comes to the shoulder. One of those details is the acromion.

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  • Ankle Sprains

    Ankle Sprains

    When it comes to sports injuries, ankle sprains are one of the most common ailments we see. They can occur, not only during athletic endeavors, but also during common day-to-day activities. No one is immune.

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  • Stress Fractures

    Stress Fractures

    As Spring makes its joyful arrival, the runners are pounding the pavement and turning left on the track once again. With running season well underway, the occurrence of stress fractures rears its ugly head.

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  • The Importance of Cross-Training

    The Importance of Cross-Training

    March, and hopefully Spring, are upon us! This tends to be the time of the year when folks lose sight of their New Year’s resolutions, especially if the weather is still rather cold and dreary.

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  • Osteoporosis


    When our physicians here at OAW are treating patients, special considerations are made for patients based on their age, gender, and activity level. One of those considerations is in the realm of bone density when treating older patients ...

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  • Newest OAW Facility

    Newest OAW Facility

    Perhaps you have already driven by the new complex at 5330 South Racine Avenue in New Berlin, but in case you haven’t, the OAW New Berlin Indoor Sports Complex is open and ready for recreational activity!

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