Ahhh, the both dreaded and beloved total joint replacement. Some folks simply can’t wait for the relief the procedure provides. Others are terrified by just the thought of it. Regardless of where you stand, it is a remarkably successful procedure for those dealing with advanced and symptomatic arthritis who wish to stay active for years to come without the constant aches and pains of debilitating arthritis. Our elite staff at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin replaces traditional joints as large as hips, knees, and shoulders, as well as smaller joints such as elbows, ankles, and even great toes.
The well-known joint replacement surgery is commonly performed, but comes with a lot of misconceptions. The process of replacing a joint has morphed significantly over the years. What used to be a multi-day hospital stay can now be a 23-hour or less experience at OAW. We are able to offer this service in part due to the less invasive techniques utilized by our surgeons. Less invasion means less blood loss, less medical risk, less pain, and fewer medical complications. With the introduction of nerve blocks, our anesthesiologists get patients back on their feet sooner with better pain control during the initial recovery period. This also allows patients to be less dependent on oral narcotics immediately following surgery which results in less postoperative constipation, nausea, altered mental status, and risk of addiction.
Here at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin, we are on the cutting edge of the newest techniques, which is what allows our board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeons to help you get back home where rest and recovery just come more naturally than the sterile, impersonal hospital setting. Our anesthesiologists are on standby to address any concerns. Our friendly surgery staff greet you with a welcoming face as you wake up from the anesthesia due to our superior nurse to patient ratio.
The Orthopaedic Surgery Center is attached to our clinic building and houses all of our
‘23-Hour Stay’ patients. This unique set-up allows us to provide our patients with the elite care you expect from our staff while also providing a far more cost-effective option than paying admittance fees from a hospital that can escalate quickly.
During your surgical consultation appointment, your surgeon will help determine if you are a candidate for our 23-Hour Stay program. The decision is based largely on general health as well as insurance coverage. If you are a candidate for The Orthopaedic Surgery Center (affectionately known as TOSC in our practice), you will be provided with all of the necessary information while our staff works out all of the logistics of your surgery. We are striving to provide you with the least stress-inducing total joint replacement experience possible. You can trust that the folks at OAW will give you the total package for your total joint replacement!
This blog is written by one of our very own-Morgan. She is a certified athletic trainer working as a medical assistant with our providers each and every day in our clinic. She obtained a bachelor's degree in athletic training from Carroll University in Waukesha and a master's degree in Kinesiology from Michigan State University. She is excited to bring you updates and information about the happenings at OAW.