Knee Pain and Function: Nonoperative Approaches to Managing Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Physical rehabilitation and osteopathic manipulative techniques can treat different aspects of “runner’s knee,” to alleviate tight muscles and tender points within the joint or muscle and increase range of motion.
How to Tell if You Have Arthritis in Your Neck
No matter where it occurs in the body, arthritis can be a real pain. One type, which goes by the name cervical spondylosis, can leave you with a stiff neck or major aches.
5 Signs of a Thumb Sprain
A sprained thumb is an injury to a ligament, which is a soft tissue that connects bones to each other at the joints to keep it stable, as opposed to a thumb fracture (break) which is an injury to the bone. The ulnar collateral ligament is the most injured ligament in the thumb. This particular ligament connects the thumb to the hand on the side closest to your index finger.
Overuse can contribute to high rate of arm injuries among youth players
With spring baseball season underway, Eric Makhni, M.D., a Henry Ford Health System sports medicine orthopedic surgeon, warns about how overuse can contribute to the high rate of arm injuries among youth players.
What Not to Do If You Have Neck Pain
When treating your neck pain, you need to be active in your treatment, and you should stop doing certain things that may be causing your neck pain or things that may be leading to unnecessary worry and anxiety about your pain. Avoiding certain activities can be an important component of managing your cervical pain.