Which Exercise Regimen Works Best to Ease Lower Back Pain?
Chronic lower back pain can make the most routine tasks difficult. But a new study suggests patients can learn new, practical and less painful ways to move through individualized "motor skills training," or MST.
Stick to supportive shoes if you have knee pain
A randomized controlled trial found that sturdy supportive shoes improve knee pain on walking and knee-related quality of life compared with flat flexible shoes.
Why physical activity matters now more than ever
Exercise not only helps people with long-term conditions better manage their health but also boosts the immune system. So how can we support more people to be physically active?
Ankle injuries: when is it time to call the doctor?
Your child comes home from a game, practice or the playground and is limping and complaining about ankle pain. Could something be sprained, strained or —even worse — broken?
Researchers find face masks don't hinder breathing during exercise
A new University of Saskatchewan (USask) study has found that exercise performance and blood and muscle oxygen levels are not affected for healthy individuals wearing a face mask during strenuous workouts.